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1989  Chilean-Peruvian artist born in Lisbon

           Lives and works in Berlin


2024 –  now    Professorship, Art Academy of Leipzig (DE)

2021 – 2023   Teaching position, second year of painting, Art Academy of Leipzig (DE)

2013 – 2016   Meisterschülerin, Art Academy of Leipzig (DE)

2012 – 2013   Diploma in Painting, University of Chile, Santiago (CL)

2008 – 2011   BA Fine Arts, University of Chile, Santiago (CL)

Solo and double exhibitions

2024  On falling men and singing feathers, Solo with The RYDER Projects at Liste Art Basel (CH)

2023  La Yegua de Santiago, The RYDER Projects, Madrid (ES)

2023  Colita de Rana, with Cristina Camacho, Instituto de Visión, Bogotá (COL)

2022  The Midas Syndrome, Solo at New Positions - Art Cologne, Cologne (DE)

2022  Temple of Inversion, 68 Projects, Berlin (DE)

2022  SPLITS AND SLIPS: The disobedient Banana, Breach, Miami (USA)

2021  Two pennies for myself and tea, SCAN Projects, London (GB)

2021  Blind Eye, Casa de Indias and The RYDER Projects, Cádiz (ES)

2021  How I Feel, with Yan Copelli, MamaLike, New York (US)

2021  The Partial Object House, Beadvisors and The RYDER Projects, curated by Rafael Barber Cortell, London (GB) 

2021  Pink Maneuver, Josef Filipp Galerie, Spinnerei, Leipzig (DE)

2020  Analogies, with Jana Kurashvili, Plain Gallery, Milano (IT)

2020  Break a Leg!, Raum für drastische Maßnahmen, Berlin (DE)

2020  GOOD LOOK, Archiv Massiv, Spinnerei, Leipzig (DE)

2019  THE BIG NOSE: A Matter of Perspective or Perspective Matters, Weserhalle, Berlin (DE)

2018  D Minor Mint, with María Sainz Rueda, Galerie Potemka, Leipzig (DE)

2016  Kammgarnspinnerei: La hilandería de estambre, curated by Gonzalo Díaz Cuevas, Galería Departamento 21, Santiago (CL)

2016  The Last Judgment at School, Galerie HGB, Leipzig (DE)

2015  Recomposición, Galería Isabel Hurley, Málaga (ES)

2013  Autorretrato de una artista siendo devorada por un cuadro, Galería Juan Egenau, Santiago (CL)

Group exhibitions (selection)

2024  UPCOMING: Naming Natures, curated by Tomás Bartoletti and Denise Bertschi, Natural History Museum

           (MHNN), Neuchâtel (CH)

2024  ONGOING: DISSONANCE, curated by Christoph Tannert, National Museum of Art of Romania (MNAR) , Bucharest (ROU)

2024  Art Cologne with Anita Beckers (DE)

2024  DISSONANCE, curated by Christoph Tannert, Stadtgalerie Kiel (DE)

2024  ARCO Madrid with The RYDER Projects, Madrid (ES)

2024  CRISIS DE NOCHE: Ciclo de Cine y Video, Screening La Yegua de Santiago, Galería Crisis, Lima (PE) 

2024  Material with Instituto de Visión, Ciudad de México (MX) 

2023  Punctum, Haus am Kleistpark, Berlin (DE)

2023  Immaculate Heart of Margaritaville, curated by Devendra Banhart, Nicodim, Los Angeles (US)

2023  OSTRALE Biennale O23, Dresden (DE)

2023  Poetry of the Evident, Galerie Droste, Düsseldorf (DE) 

2023  Cherries on the Top, curated by Katja Andreae, Galerie Judith Andreae, Bonn (DE)

2023  ARCO Madrid with The RYDER Projects, Madrid (ES)

2023  ARCO Madrid with 68 Projects & Anita Beckers, Madrid (ES)

2022  Magical Realism Revisited, Bank Mab Society, Shanghai (CN)

2022  NanJing Art Fair International with Bank Mab Society, NanJing (CN)

2022  A rather be A-line, Persona Curada, París (FR)

2022  Artbo with Instituto de Visión, Bogotá (COL)

2022  DISSONANCE: PLATFORM GERMANY, curated by Mark Gisbourne and Christoph Tannert, Künstlerhaus Bethanien Berlin (DE)

2022  Chronicles 5, Galerie Droste, Berlin (DE)

2022  Frieze Seoul with Bank Mab Society, Seoul (KOR)

2022  Im Namen der Hose, Galerie Anita Beckers, Frankfurt am Main (DE)

2022  Felices para siempre, curated by Rafael Barber Cortell, with Teresa Lanceta, Ana Prvački and Shana Moulton,

           The RYDER Projects, Madrid (ES)

2022  Art Busan with 68 Projects, Busan, Korea (KOR)

2022  Expo Chicago, with 68 Projects and Galerie Kornfeld, Chicago (USA)

2022  Desire, curated by Valeria Schäfer, Tube Culture Hall, Milano (IT)

2022  Human, curated by Henrik Godsk, Piermarq, Sydney (AUS)

2022  ARCO Madrid with The RYDER Projects, Madrid (ES)

2021  ART021 Shanghai, 68 Projects, Shanghai (CN)

2021  Universes 4, curated by Sasha Bogojev, Galerie Droste, Paris (FR)

2021  Hollywood Road, Aishonanzuka, Hong Kong (CN)

2021  Eve Presents #1, Eve Leibe Gallery, London (GB)

2021  Now Now, Breach, Miami (US) 

2021  Paper Positions with 68 Projects, Berlin (DE)

2021  >1000 Worte, Galerie Rothamel, Erfurt (DE)

2021  Qui resistit, vincit, Centro de Arte Contemporáneo de Vélez (CAC), Málaga (ES)

2021  Error Explanation, 68 projects, Berlin (DE)

2021  Trace Evidence, Badr El Jundi Gallery, Marbella (ES)

2021  Domesticity, curated by Sasha Bogojev, Volery Gallery, Dubai (UAE)

2020  FEED, curated by Rafael Barber Cortell, The RYDER Projects, Madrid (ES)

2020  SUPER!Kunsthalle Darmstadt (DE)

2020  Twenties, Galerie Rothamel, Erfurt (DE)

2020  The Potsdam Selection, Palais am Stadthaus, with Weserhalle, Postdam (DE)

2020  Auction 6, Weserhalle, Berlin (DE)

2020  Orbit, Galerie Maurer, Frankfurt/M (DE)  

2020  Still connected, Weserhalle, Berlin (DE)

2020  AVE magazine's release and exhibition, Kunstraum Super, Vienna (AT)

2020  The Museum of the Future, virtual exhibition curated by Sami Benhadj Djilali and Artetceteraetcetera 

2019  The Female Gaze, Foundry / Artscape, Luxembourg (LU)

2018  Kampf der Gegensätze – Die Welt der Dualismen, Neuer Sächsischer Kunstverein, Dresden (DE)
2018  Certamen Unicaja de Artes Plásticas II, CUC (Centro Unicaja de Cultura), Almería (ES)

2018  Chilenische Grafik, Kunst am Elbufer, Dresden (DE)
2018  Nord Art 2018, Kunstwerk Carlshütte (DE)

2017  Certamen Unicaja de Artes Plásticas, Museo Joaquín Peinado, Ronda (ES)

2016  Schön hide - Beautiful verstecken II, Galerie Elten & Elten, Zürich (CH)

2016  error: x, Ostrale - Zentrum für zeitgenössische Kunst, Dresden (DE)

2016  OSTRALE_weht_ODER, Browar Mieszczański, Breslavia (PL)     

2016  Schön hide - Beautiful verstecken I, Galerie Leuenroth, Frankfurt/M (DE)

2016  Klassentreffen, Kunsthalle der Sparkasse, Leipzig (DE)

2016  UNTER DRUCK: junge Grafik, Galerie Thaler, Leipzig (DE)

2015  MEP, curated by Holger Birkholz, Oktogon HfBK, Dresden (DE)

2015  Carmen Arozena II, Casa Salazar, Santa Cruz de la Palma, Canarias (ES)

2015  Carmen Arozena I, Museo Real Casa de la Moneda, Madrid (ES)

2015  Wunschlos Glücklich, Kunstverein Duisburg, Duisburg (DE)

2015  A-Salto, Casa de la Provincia, Sala Romero Murube /Aula Latinoamericana de Pensamiento y Creación Contemporáneos,


2015  Premi de Pintura Internacional Guasch Coranty, Tecla Sala, Centre d’Art de L’Hospitalet, Barcelona (ES)

2015  2.5.0.- Object is Meditation and Poetry, curated by Olga Vostretsova and Alba D'Urbano, Grassimuseum, Leipzig (DE)

2015  In Search of Imaginary World, NUNC Contemporary, Antwerp (BE)

2014  Sub 30, Museum of Contemporary Art (MAC), Santiago (CL)                      

2013  Drawing Protest (in collaboration with Dan Perjovschi), Galerie für Zeitgenössische Kunst (GfZK), 

           Museum of Contemporary Art, Leipzig (DE)

2013  Independence day, HGB, Leipzig (DE)

2013  Blood on Hermann’s beard, HGB, Leipzig (DE)

2013  PROTEST ZEICHNEN!, curated by Olga Vostretsova, HGB, Leipzig (DE)

2012  Ciclo de arte joven, Galería Trece, Santiago (CL)

2011  XXXIII Concurso nacional de arte joven, Galería El Farol, Valparaíso (CL)

2011  Espacios itinerantes, University of Chile, Santiago (CL)

2010  Proyecto N.N., Isidora Zegers Hall, Santiago (CL)

2009  Espacio Contenido, Museum of Contemporary Art (MAC), Santiago (CL)  

2009  Exposición Interuniversitaria 2009, Isidora Zegers Hall, Santiago (CL)


Awards, scholarships and residencies 

2024                Honorable Mention, Video Art and Experimental Film Festival, NY

2023                Shortlisted, Kunstpreis des Haus am Kleistpark, Berlin

2022                The Fores Project, London

2021                Centro de Arte Casa de Indias, Cádiz

2020                Denkzeit Grant - Kulturstiftung des Freistaates Sachsen

2015 – 2016   Heinrich Böll Foundation's Grant

2015                Marion-Ermer-Prize 

2013 – 2015   DAAD Grant

Works in collections

Xiao Museum of Contemporary Art Rizhao (CN)

Jorge Pérez Collection (El Espacio 23 / Pérez Art Museum Miami) (USA)

Kunsthalle der Sparkasse Leipzig (DE)
Fondazione Imago Mundi Treviso (IT)

MAP Marquez Art Projects Miami (USA)

Fundació Lluís Coromina Girona (ES)



Selection of books and catalogues about the artist:

2022 Mark Gisbourne , Christoph Tannert, "Dissonance Platform Germany“. DCV, 2022.

          (ISBN: 9783969120606)

2021 Jörk Rothamel, ">1000 Worte", Catalogue. Frankfurt am Main: Kerber Verlag, 2021.

          (ISBN: 9783735607812)


2020  Annekathrin Kohout, León Krempel. “SUPER!”, Catalogue. Kunsthalle Darmstadt, 2020.         

          (ISBN: 9783000648762)

2018  Ivana de Vivanco, Sarah Alberti. „Toi Toi Toi“, Catalogue. Leipzig: Club Koraal, 2018.
           (ISBN: 9783000597787)

2017  Alba D’Urbano, Olga Vostretsova. “2.5.0.-Object is Meditation and Poetry”, Catalogue. Leipzig, 2017.

           (ISBN: 9783947139002)


2016  Gonzalo Díaz, Ivana de Vivanco. “La Hilandería de Estambre”, Catalogue. Santiago: D21 Proyectos de Arte, 2016.

           Download digital version


2016  Sarah Alberti, Annette Schröter. “Klassentreffen”, Catalogue. Leipzig: Kunsthalle der Sparkasse,2016.

           (ISBN: 9783981584073)

2015  Holger Birkholz. “Ivana de Vivanco”. Dresden: Marion Ermer Stiftung, 2015.  Download text by Holger BirkholzIm

           Zwischenraum der Beziehung: Dimensionen historischen Erzählens und innerer Befindlichkeit in der Malerei Ivana de

           VivancosIn the Eye of the Moment: Dimensions of Historical Telling and Subjective Being in the Painting of Ivana de Vivanco)

2014  Gregor Muir, Kurt Beers. “100 Painters of Tomorrow”. London: Thames & Hudson, 2014.

           (ISBN: 9780500239230)


2014  Jorge Gonzáles Lohse, Ana Jorquiera Stagno, Victor Hugo Bravo, Aljandro Quiroga, Nadinne Canto, Vivtor Díaz Sarret, Carolina

           Castro. “SUB30, Pintura Joven en Chile”, Santiago, Ediciones C, 2014.

           (ISBN: 9789563536645)

2011  David Carrillo: XXXIII. Concurso Nacional de Arte Joven, Catalogue. Valparaíso: Universidad de Valparaíso, 2011.

2010  Viviana García, Mariela Gatica, Marjorie Marcelain, Carla Silva, Milencka Vidal: “Espacio Contenido”, Catalogue.

           Santiago: MAC, 2010.

           (ISBN: 9789563325638)

Selection of publications as an author and artist:

2023 “Ojo al Charqui: escritos de pintores contemporáneos chilenos”. Editorial del Departamento de Artes Visuales de la 
            Universidad de Chile, Santiago.

            (ISBN: 9789561912625)

2022 "Transferencias: Escritos de Artistas. Producciones Textuales en las Artes Visuales Chilenas". 

           Publicación a cargo de Florencia Loewenthal. Editores Ana María Risco y Matías Rivas. Galería Gabriela Mistral, Santiago.

           More info here

           (ISBN 9789563523980) 


2020  “I got it!: The Coronavirus Colouring Book”, With Steffen Elsner, Berlin. More info here

            (ISBN: 9783000656118)

2020  "Esos grandes detalles: 92 relatos escritos durante la pandemia", Proyecto de Enrique Matthey. Download here

2020  “AVE Magazin #6”, Vienna.


2019  “Steinwerk_Lithographie_Kalender_Zweitausendzwanzig”, Leipzig.

2017  “Steinwerk_Lithographie_Kalender_Zweitausendsiebzehn”, Leipzig.

2016  “Chaos, Ordnung, Anarchie: hopefully it is irony”. With Artist's Proof and Oliver Kossack, Hochschule für Grafik und

            Buchkunst Leipzig.

2015  “Publish and/or perish or/and”. With Artist's Proof and Oliver Kossack, Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst Leipzig.

2014  “The Protest Colouring Book”. With Artist's Proof and Oliver Kossack, Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst Leipzig.

2013  Article "Arte en Chile: una pregunta en torno a la violencia", Magazin Nierika, Universidad Iberoamericana de México. 

           Read here the full article


2012  "En busca de la obra perdida: una reflexión en torno a 'Muros' de Daniela Rivera", Magazin Letras en Línea, Universidad

            Alberto Hurtado, Santiago de Chile.

Talks, conferences and workshops

2023 Artist Talk at Weißensee Kunsthochschule Berlin (DE)
2023  Artist Talk with Isabella Lenzi at The RYDER Projects, Madrid (ES)
2023  Artist Talk with Julián Serna at Instituto de Visión, Bogotá (COL)
2023  Podcast Extrem gute Künstler*innen with Sebastian Späth (DE)
2022  Artist Talk with Wolfgang Ullrich at 68 Projects, Berlin (DE)
2022  Podcast V de Victoria with Victoria Rivers (ES)
2021  Artist Talk with Vanessa Vanessa Murrell (on line) at Badr El Jundi, Marbella (ES)
2020  Artist Talk with Ana María Risco (on line) at Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Santiago (CL)
2020  Workshop at Raum für drastische Maßnahmen, Berlin (DE)
2015  Conference - Text versus a piece of art, Uniwersytet Łódzki / University of Lodz (PL)
2015  Workshop at Centro Cultural Pedro Aguirre Cerda, CCPAC, Santiago (CL)
2014  Artist Talk at Facultad de Artes, Universidad de Chile, Santiago (CL)
2011  Conference - Simposio internacional: Representaciones de la violencia política en la literatura latinoamericana contemporánea, Museo de la Memoria, Santiago (CL)

Press (selection):

2024 La Yegua de Santiago - Paul’s Fairs Art Cologne: Never Mind the Doom by Paul Carey-Kent - Fad Magazine

2024 Die Farben der Malerei by Thomas Eisenkrätzer - Kieler Nachrichten

2023 Pintoras latinoamericanas: arte que nace del encuentro de culturas by Maricel Drazer - Deutsche Welle DW

2023 Apertura Madrid Gallery Weekend 2023 by Ana Grebler - Umbigo Magazine

2023 Apertura Madrid Gallery Weekend roundup by ArtReview

2022 "Artists to watch" Art Cologne - immer neu, immer schön by Juliane Rohr - ntv

2022 Interview with Ivana de Vivanco by Daniel Lichterwaldt - Les Nouveaux Riches Magazin

2022 Templo de la Inversión by María Muñoz - Neo2 Magazine

2022 Energie, Intimität, Malerei: Die Expo Chicago ist zurück by Hanno Hauenstein - Berliner Zeitung

2022 Ihr Adam heißt Charles by Christoph Schütte - Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

2022 Video Interview: SPLITS AND SLIPS: The disobedient Banana, Breach, Miami

2021 Chilean-Peruvian Artist Ivana de Vivanco Gives Voice To The Overlooked Stories Of Nonconforming Women by Vanessa Murrell -

          Something Curated

2021 Landing in places you didn’t even imagine you could land - Interview with Horst und Edeltraut

2021 Teasing Out New Meanings in the Familiar by Nina Mdivani - White Hot Magazine

2021 Ivana de Vivanco at Casa de Indias - The RYDER by Art Viewer

2021 Ivana de Vivanco: El color puede funcionar en la pintura como trampa y consuelo al mismo tiempo by María von Touceda -


2021 5 Artists on Our Radar This June by Leah Gallant - Artsy Curatorial and Artsy Editorial

2021 An Interview with Ivana de Vivanco by María Gracia de Pedro - Daily Lazy

2021 Ivana de Vivanco's "Pink Maneuver" by Sasha Bogojev - Juxtapoz Magazine

2021 Meeting Ivana de Vivanco by Navel Art 

2021 Emerging Artists To Have On Your Radar In 2021 by The Art Gorgeous Magazine

2020 Berliner Kunstgriff 29.09. - 05.10.20 - by

2020 Good Look by Relieve Contemporáneo

2020 Good Look by KubaParis

2020 Video Interview: Kunsthalle Darmstadt by Annekathrin Kohout

2020 360°-Rundgang: Kunsthalle Darmstadt by Simon Rauh​ - Echo

2020 Venus und Würstchen by Kai Scharffenberger - Leo

2020 Gemeinsam gegen die digitale Bilderflut by Katharina Cichosch - Schirn Mag

2019 Ivana de Vivanco: Month’s MAI Wonder of the World by Clare Davies - Mai Magazine Berlin

2019 Ivana de Vivanco: The Big Nose - Image of the Day by Elephant Magazine

2019 Ivana de Vivanco, la militante by Julie Chaizemartin - Le Quotidien de l'Art

2019 Ivana de Vivanco: Venus and Adonis - Story Behind The Artwork by Yannis Kostarias - Art Verge

2019 Ivana de Vivanco: sus mitos y los nuestros by

2018 Spring Issue 7 - ArtMaze Mag curated selection by Benjamin Sutton 

2018 Ivana de Vivanco: the cosmopolitan artist with an astonishing style by Daniele Felicetti

2018 [female!]: Leipziger Malerei auf Instagram by Anna Flora Schade - Leipziger Volkszeitung

2017 Tapa de la novela El grito de Florencia Abbate La Pollera

2016 Ivana de Vivanco: Figurativismo Feroz by Francisca Gabler

2016 Ivana de Vivanco: La Hilandería de Estambre Artishock - Revista de Arte Contemporáneo

2016 Desorientierte Helden Sächsische Zeitung  

2015 100 Painters of Tomorrow A Book Relevant To The Contemporary Art Discourse by Sofia Touzan

2015 Ivana de Vivanco: pintar las palabras by Antonio Javier López - Diario Sur

2015 Alegoría de la Pintura by Juan Francisco Rueda - Diario Sur

2015 Recomponiendo a Filóstrato - Lo importante no es lo que esperamos del arte, sino lo que el arte espera de nosotros by Isabel 

          Guerrero - Málaga hoy 

2015 Ivana de Vivanco. Recomposición by Isabel Garnelo - M Arte y Cultura Visual

2015 Ivana de Vivanco: Recomposición Arte por Excelencias 

2014 Ivana de Vivanco - Emergent Art Space by Liz Janoff 

2014 La nueva generación de pintores by Catalina Mena

2013 Exposición de Ivana de Vivanco da inicio a ciclo Tesis 13 by Isis Díaz López

2012 Pintoras Sub 30 by Catalina Mena


© 2020 Ivana de Vivanco - All Rights Reserved

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